Work From Home Office Setups to Inspire You
Work From Home Office Setups to Inspire You
The rise of remote work has also produced a rise in home office gadgets, equipment, tools, and all kinds of opinions on the “best” setup. There are a plethora of lifestyle brands that can suit all types of consumers, but there’s no marketing here. The purpose of this blog is to give you some quick tips and provide you with some inspirational setups that you can use to help you figure out your own space. Let’s get to it!
Quick Pointers
Before we get into the setups, we must do our job right and let you know the essentials that should definitely be considered in your set up. Here’s a list of items to keep in mind when setting up your home office:
Your source of light: It is very important that your light source is FACING you and not behind you. In other words, your windows should be in front of you and your lamps should also be in front or next to you. This helps you see your screen better and also gives you your best look when doing video calls or meetings - otherwise, your audience may be looking at your silhouette or unflattering shadows.
A dedicated space: Even if it is just a simple desk and chair in a corner of your bedroom, make sure that you create a place that is intentionally set up for working. When you look at that space, your mind should tell you “work”.
Ergonomics: Ergonomics is the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment. Be your own Ergonomist by being aware of how your space is impacting you. Is your back hurting at the end of the day? Are your arms sore? Pay attention to your body’s signals at the end of the day and apply solutions where applicable. Perhaps you’ll need to invest in a new chair or an external keyboard. If you find yourself needing to invest in your workspace, run this by your manager to see if you qualify for a home-office allowance.
Make it YOUR space: Taking time to plan out and add personal touches to your space makes you want to use it more. Gather personal items that will help you get in the zone: plants, shelves, artwork, photos, or lighting. Bring in items that make you feel good like aromatherapy, a massager, or some candles. You don’t need to invest in these things if you already have them at home. However, if you have the budget, then read on for some inspirational setups.
Invest in Personalizing Your Space
Whether you have your own room as an office or you have just a section of your home, you should invest time in making your space truly yours. Use color, light, artwork, and decorative items to personalize your workstation. If you have the budget, invest in a comfortable chair, a desk that suits your height, and some lighting. Here are some ways others have personalized their space:
Work With What You Got!
Not everyone has a budget for their home office, but really all you need are a few essentials. On the other hand, others may have the budget, but don’t have too much space. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Minimalist - Desk and Chair Duet
Honesty, all you really need is a desk and a chair. Here are some ideas to get you started: